• spiritual
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    Here and Now

    As I recently watched a show, the storyline depicted a man struggling with the loss of his wife in a tragic accident, leaving him to raise their newborn daughter alone...

    Where are you guiding your children?

    Parenting is no easy job. For the first 18-ish years of their life, your job is to teach and guide them. How do you guide your children to make good...

    Raising compassionate children

    Studies on self-esteem have found that increased self-esteem is related to poorer performance on tasks, more relationship problems, more engagement in risky behaviors, and more aggressive and violent behavior. Instead...

    Let go and let God

    Parents today are often criticized for raising a generation of children who struggle to do things on their own, who return home from college incapable of earning a living or...

    Love or fear

    Parents today are often criticized for raising a generation of children who struggle to do things on their own, who return home from college incapable of earning a living or...

    Stay humble

    Parenting can be a humbling experience in many respects. At times, you may lash out at your children when they frustrate your goals. When this happens, and you seek forgiveness...

    Letting Go

    Have there been times in your life or in your marriage where it has been difficult to let go and allow the process to flow naturally? Have you felt the...

    When the answer is “No, Not Now”

    We learned a valuable lesson of God’s faithfulness as we began the journey of becoming parents. We had been married a few years and decided we wanted to start a...

    What Comes Your Way

    The morning of September 11th 2001 was different for so many people in so many ways, but for my wife and I it was a life changer. The news of...

    Resolving Conflict

    I picked my wife up from the airport as I did every Thursday night. She travels for her job and this was part of our weekly ritual. This reunion was...

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