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    Political Dialogue vs. Division at the Family Table

    During a contentious election season, discussing politics becomes inevitable. Despite your skill in diverting topics or coming up with excuses to sidestep family gatherings, the pressing political issues eventually demand...

    Bridging Division

    As we are swept by the wave of the election outcome, many of us are getting hammered on social media by the emotion of the moment. One group (half the...

    Listen, Daniel. Listen.

    My 7-year old nephew, Daniel, loves to talk. And by loves, I mean LOVES. It’s amazing how such a small person has so much to say. His 3-year old sister...

    2+1 Hear, Listen, then Speak

    Someone once said that the reason why we have two ears and only one mouth is because we need to listen double the amount we speak. For some, this works...

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